Fotel Peru tzw, uszak, swoją stylistyką zainteresuje wszystkich tych, którzy tęsknią za klasycznymi formami. 
Posiada wyprofilowane podłokietniki oraz wysokie oparcie z charakterystycznymi wygięciami.



Frame construction: chipboard, coniferous lumber
Seat: foam, wavy spring
Back: foam
Legs: tworzywo, kolor: olcha, wenge

The color of the product presented in the photo may differ slightly from the actual one.

Directions for use:

Only use products intended for the protection and cleaning of upholstered furniture. To save the color from fading, the piece of furniture should be placed at least 50 cm from the radiator and places exposed to direct sunlight should be avoided. Professional cleaning is recommended in the case of more serious dirt.
